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Weekly Design Inspirations #2 — Colorful Gradations in Space
This weekend, I happened to be at Art Basel Miami Beach, and it inspired me to explore colors in space.
1 — Freiburg School by Peter Zimmermann
Designer and visual artist Ruslan Khasanov used gel on illuminated CD surfaces to compose these colorful and fluid typographies.
2 — Universe of Words at Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art and Design by Emmanuelle Moureaux
An artist and architect, Emmanuelle Moureaux, built Universe of Words composed from approximately 140,000 colorful floating hiraganas, Japanese alphabets — for tanabata festival, a tradition when people write their hopes and dreams on colored pieces of paper and hang them from a bamboo branch in the hope that their wishes will come true.
3 — The Substance of Light by James Turrell
James Turrell floods rooms with light that presents itself as gentle seas of color or as an intensely glowing, sometimes diffusely spherical fog of light, taking observers to the limits of their…